
Showing posts from July, 2020

The Loch Ness Monster

Hey guys !! After my previous post on Mythical creatures (specifically the Kraken)...I just thought of another mythical creature The Loch Ness Monster. ... I specifically chose this as I  have visited this place where this mythical creature is claimed to be.....So, I just thought of sharing my personal experience with you including some super cool facts on this exciting animal!😃 The Loch Ness Monster    This mythical creature is said to be inhabiting a loch ( which is basically an arm of the sea...something like a lake) called the Loch Ness in Scotland ( to be more specific the Scottish Highlands).    The Loch Ness monster is lovingly called as Nessie by the locals. This is how the animal is said to look like. The story of this animal actually goes back to 565 AD where it was spotted for the 1st time. It said that a person saw this animal eat up his friend. But the legend became stronger in 1933 when 2 people claimed of seeing a dragon like monster go into t...

The Kraken

Hey Guys!! ✌ Here we meet again in another exciting and spellbinding post .....I am pretty sure most of you are engrossed in myths about Mythical Creatures.    When I say mythical creatures I am sure all of you would have come up with pictures of Unicorns, Pegasus, Centaurs, ......and ya mythical creatures have been widely featured in fantasy stories   Percy Jackson's Pegasus : Blackjack and Harry Potter's Hippogriff: Buckbeak ... .well....Lot's more.😅 So here I am with one of the most deadly mythical creatures of all time.... 'THE KRAKEN"  So how many of you have heard of the Kraken.... I am sure most of you would have surely read about it in books or watched movies. So here I am to with some super exciting, super electrifying facts on this horrifying mythical creature.....😉. Firstly what is a KRAKEN??? A Kraken is a giant squid but it is way massive, gigantic, colossal and humongous version of a giant squid. So can you all imagine how huge it is....w...