Pseudoscience: The Sequel

Hey guys! Here we meet in another post "Pseudoscience: The Sequel. In this post I will be given you all some super fascinating examples of Pseudoscience. So, without much ado....let's jump in!!! To have a quick brush up of my previous post, Pseudoscience is anything that is partially factual as well as scientific. Now let's see some examples..... 1. Telekinesis Telekinesis or psychokinesis is the physical ability of a person to influence any physically object without any physical interaction. In simple word it is basically like you stare at something.....let us take an example of a cricket ball, well you stare at the ball (let's assume that it is kept on a table) and even without you having any physical interaction with the ball the ball floats up as if gravity has gone *poof*. Sounds spooky?😰 I know it seems like the stuff you actually find in movies where the people freeze things mid air, levitation and many more. But science opposes this because science believe...