
Hey guys!!! Here we meet again...this time to commemorate yoga day...I thought I will throw some light on yoga and some interesting facts on it. Hope you all have fun reading them. Introduction The origin of yoga dates back to 5000 years in northern India. It is mentioned in the Vedic texts and was practiced by the sages. Yoga is usually practiced for peace of mind and also for a stable health. The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Yuji' which means union. Doing yoga relieves stress, depression and gives mental stability. Facts on yoga Yoga is considered to be one of the most successful products of globalization . Yoga practitioners used to use mats made up of animal skin and grass. There are more than 300 yoga asanas (postures). It is said the lord Shiva knew more than 8,400,000 asanas. The Guinness Book of Records currently states that 85 year old Bette Callan from Australia as the world's oldest yoga teacher. Now a days yoga is one of the most practiced spor...