Tips to become a good writer!

Hey Guys ! Here we meet in another post.... In this post I thought I shall give a few tips on writing....Frankly saying writing is really a tiring thing to do....We need to keep a whole lot of things in mind before we start writing something, so I will be giving you all a few tips to master writing! 1. Choose a comfy spot This might sound silly but is extremely true. When you start anything not only writing it is very important that you choose a place where you can think in peace...It can be anywhere; your room, balcony etc. The more you are in your favorite place the more freely your thought processes flow and the more peaceful you feel. And u will also find yourself more engrossed in what you are writing. I repeat start your writing by choosing a comfy spot that suites you best. 2. Format your plot One of the most important thing while writing is to be organized with what we are writing. It is a necessary to have a basic road map on what order w...