My Visit to the Most Magnificent temple of all times!

Hey Guys! Here we meet again in another mind blowing post.....So I am here to give you my views of the Brihadiswara temple!. To just give an intro : It is a magnificent temple located in Thanjavur ( Tanjore) ,Tamilnadu . It was built by a Chola King Rajaraja Chola. Now I am gonna give you all a brief narrative on this temple based on my visit. FIRST IMPRESSION IS THE BEST IMPRESSION As soon as I first laid my eyes on this temple.......... I was awestruck! literally awestruck!. This was the most massive temple I have ever seen. It looked so inviting . As soon as I entered I saw the first Gopuram (Gateway) . This gopuram is called the KERALANTAKAN TIRUVASAL which means "the sacred gate of the Keralantakan. the word Kerlantakan was the surname of the King Rajaraja Chola. It is covered with intricate and delicate carvings which conveys lots of meaning. It stuns everyone by its indirect beauty. As I passed through the Keralantakan Tiruvasal admiring its be...